
If you are an illegal alien...?

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Why do you think you should be allowed to stay in the US if you did not come here legally?




  1. Our population here has tripled and now 49.8% are hispanic and there are NO jobs left for us crackers.  Dalton GA

  2. I am not, and I do not.

  3. This is actually a very complex question when stated in a general sense as it is here.

    I happen to know many illegal aliens.  Many of them actually feel shame, but at this point they have family ties in the United States and they contribute to the economy.  (This is a very widely accepted assertation by many economic studies and economists themselves.)  They may have also come from a very poor area of a country less fortunate than ours.

    So do they think they should be allowed to stay in the US?  Perhaps they hope to be allowed to stay here.  Perhaps they have had a taste of a capitalism system with less corruption than where they came from, and they have a taste of what it's like to make money to support their family.  Perhaps they simply do not want to rip their family apart at this point after investing efforts in the United States.

  4. I'm not.  They don't.  And I doubt you get any who will answer this question.

    But if you do and we are lucky, then maybe big brother is monitoring and will pick them up!

  5. Because I do the work your boyfriend doesn't want to do, I am a hard working individual that helped my American boss make those big profits by working Better, Faster and Cheaper then that Chad guy who likes to take long Starbucks breaks. My family members and friends have never and will never harm anybody, and we do not have any criminal records. We are just here to live a better life where it's impossible in Northern Mexico. My family members and I have purchased homes, food, cloths, cars, electronics etc..and when we make those purchases, we pay taxes. My boss has taxes withheld from our paychecks, and we never see a penny of that. All that money from our purchases goes to the economy and our taxes stay in the Social Security system to help pay for retirement checks. So if you get rid of all of us, there will be a lot of vacant jobs that will remain vacant, so those companies will feel the blow, and the country will become billions poorer.

  6. it's happened for so long without the u.s. enforcing immigration laws, people just assume they can walk across the border and set up residency.

  7. What kind of idiot is going to bring up ancient history to defend illegal invaders in the 21st century. Probably an immigrant or illegal himself LOL.

    Europeans broke now laws coming the this continent, Illegal supporters  just need to deal with that fact.

    Fact it, Chad will out work Paco any day. He does higher quality work faster with something Paco doesn't understand......quality.  Plus we don't have to worry about chad, he's not a criminal lawbreaker.

    Greedy employers are the only ones that benefit from illegal invasion, fact.

  8. Going back to your story " there was no established govt when they came here" lol answers a bit of your own answer.  Are you the one paying for their benefits, NO! Undocumented people pay taxes honey! and help this govt all the way.  Once again, do you really think that people come here just for the benefits? NO! they come here to be able to provide for their families and is sad on how this govt takes advatage of these people while here in america and in their country. Did you know that most latin countries while people try to file the right papers the right way to some here are 99% denied!!!! and  after having to pay a couple of thousand dollars fees? Do you know ho whard they make it for some people..... Its sad on how everyone refers to the immigration problems only to mexican people.... Why do you think that the border has been such an issue? America wants undocumented people here!!!!  They have the power to get rid of them if they really wanted to, but wont. Instead they make up all theses brain wash excuses for people like you b/c they dont want to admit and take the blame ... they want somebody to blame and try to make it look like they working on it. plz!  Why does everyone blame the undocumented so much?????  America loves atention honey.... and you should try to inform your brain the best way possible before asking these types of questions.... If your family was poor and had tried everything they could to come here legally and were denied constantly... and there was a border to america... they would have crossed it too in order to provide for you .. to go to school and eat and have a better life than the one they had...... they would.  Stop blaming people !!!

  9. Did the European Americans come here with anyone's permission? Did the European settlers compensate the residents of America when the settlers took their land?

    Also, where do all you judgmental folks come from that makes you sound like original members of continent of the Americas?

    I say, "live and let live!" Jesus says, "Love they neighbor as you love yourself!" or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself!"

    Where is your moral compass? What right have you to condemn others? Someone in your family tree came to America from somewhere, so are you condemning them also?

    All you so righteous Americans should take a long look in the mirror before you assault others for wanting to be Americans in the same way that someone in your family wanted to join the American family.

    We are all Americans!     Repeat after me,

    "We are all Americans!"

  10. I don't think any of them have the right to stay, except the ones who were raised here from childhood (before 6 years old). I saw a case where a boy was brought here when he was 7 mnths old and his parents have citizenship after applying on working visas. He's now 22 and fears deportation because he doesnt have a liscence or anything (cant get  ajob, cant go to college even though he has great grades because of no SSN). Other than cases like these, they broke the law and should face the consequences.

  11. hi my name is chris and i was raised in the us im from mexico i have been here in the states since i was 4 years old i grew up just like any other american kid you may know my mom and dad are hard working people that came to the u.s to give me and my sister a better life and now im 21 years old when i was a kid i knew that i wasnt born here but it didnt realy hit me till i was like 16 all my friends were geting there drivers licence and i felt left out i haver never even been to mexico i have got in troble with the law here and there but what bothers me is that all thse peole think we are all criminals i have friend from all walks of life my girl friend of 3 years and i plan on getting married soon but i cant even do that i need a state id to do that she is american by the way i think that some hispanics and in say hispanics becouse not all illigals are mexican some are to work hard and some are here to make troble but remeber that not only illegals make troble its everyone but all in all there has to be a solution some peole thin thta we just come to us up all the free resorses like health and thing of that nature but the truth is we cant get that i always here peole talk about how many millions of dollars are used for school that illegal kids are using programs like e.s.l and special edd programes that dont just help kids of elegal perents but help the young peole that may help run the country one day but why dont peole talk about the money that the country get from peole that arnt able to get tax refunds theres 12 million peole out there thta cant do that what happens to that money you think that the goverment saves it in a banck account thinkin well this person may one day become legal let save this money for him i dont think so so please when you vote vote for the person that will help young people like me to have a better  life

  12. Well, Superman took another personality ( a secret one ) and used it. Nobody ever complain

    Perhaps now Superman will be taken to court and deported

    To darnel:

    You are right. The Europeans broke now ( of that moment ) laws when they came to America

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