
If you are an illegal immigrant, can you get deported for a DUI in CA?

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Take it easy people i'm not that person. My friend's uncle unfortunately had that happen to him.




  1. You can get deported without the DUI

  2. He should be deported anyway.

  3. No DUI is needed to be deported if you are illegal, in fact a DUI is just secondary and just how one got caught.

    The fact that the person is illegal is enough to be deported, regardless of how they where caught (DUI, Assault, criminal damage etc)

  4. He had it unfortunately happen to him? Don't drive and drink, that was his choice and yes he can be deported and sure hope it happens.

  5. Yes and rightfully so. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  6. Yes. Goodbye.

  7. Yes, if they do a sweep at the time the person is in jail and they check to see if they have their papers. Happened to someone I know.......but it's not the DUI that got him deported, it was letting his papers expire.

  8. Any immigrant or citizen legal or illegal

    will be arrested for DUI in California or

    anywhere else, as intelligent as they may

    be! and if they are intelligent they will know

    it's against the law to Drive under the in-

    fluence of Alcohol, in any state.

  9. If you an illegal immigrant, you can be deported even when you are doing a good deed.

    I read in the news that somewhere in Malaysia, a psychic couple helped to locate a lost child and the child was found (the psychic couple had nothing to do with the disappearance). When the police checked on their status, they are illegal and was duly deported. So, I guess CA or the rest of the world there is no difference, if you are an illegal and do not take measure to legalise your stay then, goodbye.

  10. any illegal immigrant that gets caught would probably be deported regardless of DUI.

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