
If you are an informed democrat; do you know who is Obama's VP pick and which state he or she represents?

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Just curious how informed democrats are of their own party.




  1. Biden Connecticut and I am not a Democrat

  2. Joe Biden

  3. Biden represents Delaware.

  4. What, like this is some kind of top secret info?

    He reps Delaware. Lovely place, was just there last month.

    And yeah, I know much more about Biden and his twenty-plus years of success serving our nation than I do about that nutjob Palin.

    This is all I need to know:

    1.Sarah Palin thinks I should be forced to give birth to the child of a man that rapes me. .

    2. Sarah Palin left a town of only 6,000 residents over 20 million dollars in debt. How the f*ck is that even possible?

    3. Sarah Palin has wasted millions in taxpayer dollars butting her nose into other people's business and telling them how to educate their children about birth control and s*x, yet can't even successfully implement her policies in her own home.


  5. Yes I do.

  6. that old guy, the same type NObama says washington needs to get rid of.

  7. I am "Non-Partisan" but know that Senator Biden is from Deleware.  He was first elected into office in 1972 and made two unsuccessful attempts at running for President, once in 1988 and the second in 2008.  Biden's son, Beau, is the Attorney General of Deleware and will be leaving for Iraq in October.  

  8. Biden, Delaware. Off the top of my head he is a veteran senator who has been in office since 1972. He has a son who is in the military and Joe BIden is a strong proponent of Amtrak (especially since he rides the trains home ever night). Like Obama, he comes from a working class background, and is the poorest senator in office.

  9. Biden is a senator from Delaware.  

  10. Stop trolling...  Everyone knows it's Oprah.

  11. Joe Biden, DE.

    I bet we know more about Biden that you know about that freak Palin.

  12. We knew our VP pick didn't have a preggers teenager.Way more than McLaim knew about his pick.

    We know Joe Biden is a senator from Delaware.

  13. Biden, Delaware.

    Do you know yours - heheeeeeee

  14. jesse Venture Minnesota

  15. Not being a Democrat, I actually pay attention to the news. Senator Joe Biden, unless he has since backed out and refused to be his running mate. Not everyone is a Flaming Liberal Socialist like Barack Obama.

  16. Joe Biden. he is a Senator for Delaware

  17. What? Who? Where am I?  

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