
If you are an social worker, educator, mentor or work with children who come from an awful past, what is...?

by Guest32406  |  earlier

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motivation to do this job? What are the postives sides, as well as negatives sides(I'm not talking about the money here, or hours, but important stuff)?




  1. I am an educator and love it... most of the time!  The kids are great.  It's just the paperwork that stinks.  Everyday, we make a difference in kids lives.  Children confide the troubles they face at home, with their peers, as well as their fears and dreams with us and we are able to comfort them and help steer them in a direction that will help them accomplish their dreams.  Nothing is more powerful or uplifting.  I am able to instill a sense of confidence, pride, and the love of learning in our future.

  2. I'm a girl Scout leader, a tutor and a advocate for children with learning disabilites.  Some of these children have parents who are on drugs or alcohol and some have been abused.  A lot of them are in foster care and have moved from place to place. Why do I do it, because when I have a girl or a child come up to me and call me Mommy I know that I'm the adult that they look up to the most.  When I see one of the kids that I've helped with Learning disabilities graduate and get into a good high school I know that I've helped them for the rest of their lives.  Some of the negatives is when parents think that I'm trying to take their place in their children's lives.  I've had to deal with mother's who are jealous of the amount of time I spend with their children.   It can be very dis hearting when a parent won't push to get their child the services that they need and the child pays for it by being left back again and again.

  3. I am a teacher.  My job doesn't pay much, but I like to think I made a difference in the lives of my students.

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