
If you are at or slightly above the legal blood alcohol limit...?

by  |  earlier

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how long do you have to wait to drive again?




  1. You lose about one ounce of alcohol per hour.

    If the legal limit is .08%, and depending on body weight you can have upwards of 5-10 once of alcohol in you.

    I would wait a good 5 hours to bring it down to at least .05%

    Don't go by the old wives tales and feel coffee or certain foods will bring it down. It won't (may make you feel better, but the alcohol is still in the system).

  2. Unless you have a CDL, you have to wait until your BAC is below the legal limit. A good rule of thumb is that you burn off one drink (12 oz beer, glass of wine, shot of liquor) in an hour.

    If you are right at the limit, you should be ok after an hour or two, depending on your weight and metabolism. It is better to err on the side of caution, and if there is any question, do not drive!

    if you have a CDL, you can not legally drive with any blood alcohol level!

  3. The rule of thumb is wait 1 hour for each drink but..................

    Its going to depend on the test they run.

    There are some tests that can detect substances that your body made to metabolize the alcohol up to 72 hours after drinking it.

    Other tests only look for alcohol, and won't find anything after a few hours. As I said, its going to depend on the test they use.

  4. At least 8 hours to be safe.

  5. Along with the advise about aprox 1 hour per drink remember that personal metabolism is a factor along with how much you have eaten and so forth. If you are unsure, I suggest you take a cab.  

  6. 8 hours

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