
If you are at work, talking to around six people in a group?

by  |  earlier

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and someone you know comes in is it rude to stop what you are saying to say hello then carry on talking, or should you continue talking and not say hello?




  1. this can be rude depending how you look at lt

  2. You shouldn't be standing around talking.  You should be working.

  3. You can always give them a smile and a little wave while still chatting away.

  4. Wait for a small break in the conversation and ask that person their thoughts on the issue. This will make them feel welcomed and also allow the topic to continue being discussed.

  5. It's fine....just smile, say "hi" then continue with the conversation. If you left the conversation to be with your friend, that would be rude.

  6. To the contrary, it would be rude not to stop and introduce this person to the group.  Simply pause, say excuse me folks this is _______ a freind of mine lets say hello, she/he will be joining our group.  It gives all the impression you are in charge of the situation, yet positive and friendly --  that way if they are late for the meeting or for some reason interupting you can make it seem as if it were planned taking care of your freinds reputation.   New persons should always be introduced and welcomed to the group. If it is a person all know is late then give them the stink eye and deal with it later.  They deserve no introduction in this case.

  7. It is always polite to acknowledge someone's presence by saying hi. Then just carry on with your conversation. If you all stop, the person could think you were talking about them or a subject that would offend them.

  8. It really depends how important the conversation is. If it is work related and you are in the middle of explaining something then a wave or a hi would suffice. If it is just something gossipy it would be polite to stop and acknowlege the new person entering the group.  Also if this person is unknown to anyone in the group you should really introdce this person

  9. I think it's rude NOT to say hello to that person, like you are ignoring their prescence. People in the group should understand, and if they don't, they are rude.

  10. It's polite to say hello to someone, then continue your conversation.

  11. When people come in during the meeting while you are already in discussion, you can't have everyone to say hi.  That can be a distraction if the group gets bigger.  I don't usually say hi when someone comes in, but I look to that person's direction and wave my hand a little to signal that I know his/her presence without disrupting the conversation.

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