
If you are averaging 12 holes in regulation, and the rest of your game is about "average" ...?

by  |  earlier

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what should you expect to score?




  1. If you are attempting to analyze your game via total score you are approaching the problems from the wrong direction. You should use an 18 hole analysis sheet about the size of a score card which shows the length of the hole, the par of the hole, the tee-off club, where the drive ended, F,B,1,R,OB etc.,the club used for #2 shot, where it ended.If on the green mark GIR  and approximate distance from pin and another box for # of putts. If no GIR chipping club or short iron and distance from pin. and record the result. Now you have an analysis, hole by hole for each round you play which will indicate your weaknesses. That is the starting point for practicing and you stay with that segment of the game until there is decided improvement. Then tackle your next weakness.

  2. why are you only playing 12 holes at a time?

    Your question is very vague

  3. Well, if you are hitting 12 holes in regulation, with a fair chance at par on the other 6, then you should be hitting under 80 consistently or you had better work on your putting (because I can't believe you could blow that many chips).

  4. anywere from 80 to 90

  5. I posted this before and here it is:

    keys to breaking 80 is Greens in Regulation and putting.. if you can hit at least 8 GIRs and 32 putts, then you'll break 80.. that's of course if your scores are bogey or better.. no blow up holes.. so, next time you go out, keep track of these 2 stats..

    7 GIRs & 31 putts = break 80

    8 GIRs & 32 putts = break 80

    9 GIRs & 33 putts = break 80

    and so on...

    now if you want to par a course, you need at least 12 GIRs and 30 putts..

    so, to answer your question, if you're hitting 12 GIRs, you should be almost parring the course, if not, something's wrong with your short game and putting..

  6. You hit 12 greens in regulation meaning you have 12 chances to make a birdie, so let's give you at least one.  The other 11 should be two putt pars, so you are one under par.  Then the six greens that you miss you should get up and down for a par save half the time, and make bogey two of the other holes so you would be two over par.  We'll allow you one really bad hole where you make a triple bogey so in that scenario you should be at worst five over par.  Sounds like your ball striking is pretty good (to hit 12 greens) so you probably need the most work on chipping and putting which is how you save par when you miss the green, and make more birides when you hit them.

  7. I could never give my handicap out without laughing.  It makes no sense and I must be the most erratic golfer ever.  I would get oohs and awes on one hole and make people laugh uncontrollably on the next.  

    I once taught a lady friend how to play the game.  She was a terrific natural athlete and a pleasure to watch.  She had the most beautiful swing I ever saw.  On her second attempt to play nine holes on a real golf course my lady friend was one stroke under par after playing eight holes.  But the last hole tore her up and she ended the round four over par.  That would be typical for me.  

    It is not the score which brings me back for more - I just love to see one good swing at a time.  I am a lefty and Phil Michelson is my favorite pro (and who can predict what Phil will do on any given day?).

    EDIT:  Improve your game by playing with many different good players - you'll learn something from most: I'll teach you how to cheat and how to pick up attractive ladies on the links.

  8. If you have a PC, then there's an amazing (and free) old golf simulator called "" that you can look for on Google.  Hard to find as the original server is offline, but it's there on some game sites.  Try "free golf".  Doesn't work on Mac, unfortunately.

    The point is, that although the graphics aren't up to today's standard, the play is so realistic that you will learn tactics that will carry over to real play.  Honestly worth trying and SO fun to play!

    Other wise, one hint, if you're a slicer as opposed to a hooker.  After gripping your club, make a space between your right index finger and third finger instead of holding them together.  "c**k" the index finger as if you are about to pull the trigger on a pistol, and maintain this tension throughout your swing.  This sends a reminder to the big forearm muscle and wrist to turn over at impact and close the clubface.  Works like magic, and requires none of that usual in-swing thinking which is counter-productive.

    This should take your game into the low 80's and maybe even the 70's, especially if you adjust your iron play to hit gently with the right club instead of trying to blast everything like you do with a driver.  Remember: 10 yards to the right or left is just as far away as ten yards short or long! At my local regulation public course they have a yearly tourney where you have to play the whole round using only one club.  Winner last year shot 69 using ONLY a 7-iron!

    If I could only putt decently from over 15 feet.  Heck, I might go for the Senior Tour.  Best I've found for that (I'm a "yipper" and find it hard to aim when I can't see the ball and the hole at the same time, despite being a world-class pool player!) -- best I've found to get the elusive one-piece take-away and stroke is to use a "Junior" putter, that comes up just above my knees.  Best of luck!

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