
If you are caught speeding in your car by a speed camera can you still get a fine if in the wrong lane?

by  |  earlier

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  1. There's no escape from the camera I'm afraid.

  2. If you were caught speeding, quit trying to get out of it and pay the fine.  Slow down next time.  You guy's have it easy.  At least you know where the traps are.  Here the cops hide behind pillars on the freeway and nail you from very far away.

  3. Yes. Speeding is speeding. The best way to avoid a ticket is obvious!

  4.     why not?

  5. it all depends on wether the white road markings can be used to get your speed/distance.

  6. yes  bad luck mate

  7. Of course, if you're in the wrong lane they might make up excuses to charge you extra for driving dangerously, haha. If you're caught speeding by the camera, you will get fined for sure.

  8. If you are caught speeding, you will get a fine (£60) and 3 points on your licence.

    If you were in the wrong lane, you will be charged with driving without due care and attention, as well.  This will get you a bigger fine (up to £2,000) and more points (up to 8).

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