
If you are compelled to spy on your partners online activity does this not ring bells in your head?

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That the relationship is doomed?

There is NO TRUST in any relationship that involves spying on one another. If there is no trust then there is no love.




  1. Can't say for sure after reading some of the other answers.

  2. Nah if there's no trust, there's no point in being together. Trust and love comes as a package I recon

  3. I had a boyfriend that thought it was his right to go through my email.

    I thought it was very insecure and immature...I dont think it had anything to do with trust and everything to do with his own lack of security. I never cheated on him, never had funny phone calls, spent all my time out of work with him and yet he still thought I could be that sneaky. I ended up dumping the loser...guess who was messing around online? He was.  

  4. Definately a trust issue.

    No trust leads to resentment which leads to hatred.

    I will NEVER be in THAT situation again. If you don't trust me.... go away so I can find some one who will!

  5. To play the devil's advocate, I once did it because I was curious about him. Not about trust, just about him in general. I wanted to see what he liked in his free time. I wanted to know some things about him that I could be a part of.

    Still wrong, though.

  6. Right, so what exactly is your question.

  7. I didn't even know what my ex-husband was up to until I got a phone bill with 60 quid on it for some strange site on the internet, turns out the perv was looking at all kinds of stuff that was not very nice and a complete insult to me as his wife. Needless to say I dumped the homer simpson look alike and had a nice pile of dosh in the process which I had a nice house with. So thanks fatty your loss.

  8. No trust - no relationship.

  9. Agreed.  Right on the money.

  10. Are you trying to convince yourself or are you asking us.

  11. Oh please people be realistic !! those who have something to hide will hide behind the argument that its wrong.My phone,my email,my computer she can access if she wants to - i don't care i have nothing to hide. It re-inforces our relationship because she knows I'm not playing around. Privacy ? what effing privacy you are in a bloody relationship - be single if you want privacy !! hypocrites !

  12. The relationship is not doomed because of lack of trust, most people who do that have very good reason to be suspicious in the first place so the relationship is doomed due to the partner's cheating.

  13. umm--i guess

  14. If your partner lied about a relationship with someone else...and you found out the truth...and you wanted the relationship to would be compelled to gather any and all information about her that you could...on-line...cell phone...etc.  As time goes on and you find no evidence of foul play...the relationship has a chance.

    Lying and hiding things compel us to find the truth.

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