
If you are divorced for 2 years, but you married for ?

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8, is it too soon to be in a serious relationship??????




  1. To soon no way shoot depending on a women's age sometimes that could be considered to late. It is a good time when ever you feel it is.

  2. Why should you stop your life because your marriage didn't work out? I guarantee that your ex-husband went on with his! Besides it depends on how well you healed from your past experiences with this man.  Just make sure that when you do date or become serious you don't drag old feelings or baggage in to your new relationship.  Life is a learning process, and believe it or not going into a new relationship helps the healing process!

  3. No, it seems like you moved on a long time ago. I'm thinking probably before the marriage ended. So I guess it's doable. Sorry, I don't know I'm just getting that vibe.

  4. no way!!! Go for it, girl!

  5. no is not too soon! is your ex still single??? good luck and enjoy your life !

  6. no, it may be about time to get romantically involved :)  good for you

  7. If you like someone go for it.

  8. Two years is a long time, you should be over your failed marriage by now, and if you think you have found the right one please go ahead, all the best.

  9. That depends on you.   Just be careful of the "i'm lonely and I need a guy" thing.  Don't fall in the category of falling in love with love.

    It's been 2 years.  I started dating after 6 months (my fall back guy-he wasn't serious either so that was good). After a year of separation I met the man I have been with for 6 years.  I wasn't even divorced yet, but that was the ex's fault, he refused to take the parenting classes!  Which brings up another point...children.  Make sure you protect them at all costs.  Know who you are dating, and don't rush him/her into your house.

  10. their is no specific timeline. you will know if u are ready for it. no i do not think its too soon.

  11. That ? is an individual one.  It is one that only you can answer.  Some people go right from the oven into the frying pan.  If you feel secure with yourself then it is the right time for you.  I always tell my friends after a break up "Next" what that means is for yourself.  I think you need to take time to find out who you are alone all over again and what you want out of your life.  And when you find a person who wants the same things then go for it.  But you will know when; and why deny yourself of love?  

  12. No - once your divorced - that relationship is over and you are free to do what you want.  

  13. I hope not, but really I think that's probably different for everybody. I was divorced for one year after being married for six when I started dating again. Honestly, all I wanted was to have a little "fun" if you know what I mean, but it turned into something more ... we're still dating after 7 months.

    Sure, there are still ghosts and memories and things that pop up from time to time, but you learn to deal with it and you move on.

    I don't think it's too soon at all, but the important question is ... do YOU?

  14. I didnt know there was a time limity on falling in love

  15. Not at all... I was married for 4 years, I married at a very young age...I am now divorced and have been for 4 years, separated for 5 years.   I actually got into a serious relationship no long after my separation, about a year and then I got engaged to my gorgeous fiance 2 years ago and now know what real love is! I say go for it! definately follow your heart! :-) good luck!

  16. Nope, follow your heart. Good luck:)

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