
If you are driving to Canada from the US on vacation do you need a passport to get into Canada and back to US

by Guest31881  |  earlier

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If you are driving to Canada from the US on vacation do you need a passport to get into Canada and back to US




  1. no no no.  If you are flying then you need a passport.  but you are driving you need valid government id (your lisence will be fine) and proof of citizenship (like your birth certificate).  A passport is accepted but not needed.  To the first person who answered it is the same thing driving into the US from Canada.  I'm not sure who gave you your information but the passport rule doesn't go through til summer 2009 (at the earliest)

  2. As a Canadian I do need a Passport to go into the USA.  So I assume you need one to come up here.  My sister Had to have one to get back into the USA.  She is an American Citizen.  So the answer is YES.

  3. Until summer of next year, unless they change the date again, you DO NOT need a passport to cross a US/Canadian border as an American citizen.  You will need a government issued picture ID and an official copy of your birth certificate (they now normally ask for both) or some other proof of citizenship.  A passport is required for air travel but NOT road travel at this point.

  4. This seems to be one of the most common questions asked and the one that gets the most incorrect answers.

    The most stringent regulations relating to cross border travel are those set by the US government.  However since you have to go both ways it is best to meet these.  They are as follows (effective until June 1, 2009):

    By Land:  A valid passport OR a valid government issued ID (driver's license) and an official birth certificate.  If you a naturalized citizen bring that document as well to be safe.

    By Air:  A valid passport is the only acceptable ID for flying into the US.

    By Sea:  Same as for land.

    Effective after June 1, 2009 it is proposed that a valid passport will be the only acceptable form of ID for cross border travel.  This is subject to change and amendment based upon other ID forms being reviewed/instituted such as a passport card and an enhanced driver's license.

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