
If you are drunk and have to take an ambulance to the hospital does your insurance cover it?

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If you are drunk and have to take an ambulance to the hospital does your insurance cover it?




  1. It depends on your coverage, call the number on the back of your insurance card. Some carriers would cover it some would not. Some jurisdictions provide free ambulance service.

  2. Insurance companies typically DO NOT pay for ambulance rides.

    If you have a drinking problem START TAKING SOME KIND OF SUPPLEMENT.

    In the 1950’s renowned nutritionist Roger Williams showed conclusively that alcohol craving represented a nutritional deficiency.

    It is clear that most alcoholics can be helped dramatically with large doses of vitamins and mineral supplements, taken with copious amounts of water, fresh fruits and vegetable juices.

    In addition you should consider taking

    two Grams of L-Glutamine, and one Gram of L-Carnitine.

    P.S. I put my cousin on this program after 20 years of drinking and he quit in 2 weeks.

  3. No, ambulance transportation is usually not covered by insurance policies.

  4. 4 mediclaim 24 hrs bed treatment of hospital specialised is necessary

    contact me -

  5. No, insurance usually doesn tcover ambulance ride regardless of the situation.

  6. It depends on the insurance policy.  Mine covers ALL ambulance rides as long as my deductible has been met.

  7. Only if you have insurance to cover it.  That would most likely be HEALTH insurance.  

    Check with your plan, see if you have transportation costs.  Most of the time, if you end up being admitted, it's covered - if not, it's not.  But you'll have to check with YOUR plan to be sure.

  8. NO!

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