
If you are fined with a fee in middle school, does that go in your school records?

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i already payed the fines. what is in your school records? im still in middle school.




  1. Ha ha! I wish this was my problem. No, it doesn't go on your record.

    Junior High- simple times. Jeff above is an absolute imbecile, ignore him.

  2. what was the fee for?

    if it was releted to in school incidents then it most likely on your record.

  3. Everything related to the students behavior goes into the school records.  My detentions are probably in there, but you would have to go to the original school, because the only records that travel with you are generally disciplinary, special ed, grades, courses taken, GPA's grade averages, extra curr. activites, sports/athletics, and clubs you were in/elected, and stuff like if you were a part time in the cashier or something.

  4. Fine paid?  No big deal.  Not something that stays on permanent records.  Your records are all about grades and attendance.

  5. " Very few things natter. Nothing nmatters very much."Worry not

  6. Do you mean like a fine for losing a book or bringing it back late to the library or something like that?  I can't imagine what you would be fined for in school where you would have to pay money except for maybe losing a book or something like that.  If that is what it is, no, I don't think that goes in your school records.  Your school records mostly keep a record of your grades and stuff like that.  Of course, if you're a real trouble maker, that would go in your records too because that is something to do with a character reference.  It's all about what you achieve and things you actively took part in and clubs you belong to, and stuff like that, that mostly goes into your records, not a fine you pay for losing a book.

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