
If you are fired in Italy, do you get a compensation besides your regular last pay?

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If so, what is the amount?




  1. yes but it depends on which kind of contract you have and the motivation of your fire. If you are fired because your firm has problems than:

    - If you have the one of employee (contratto di dipendente) then besides your regular last pay you will be done also another amount of money called TFR (trattamento di fine rapporto) which is quite equals to one regular month pay;

    - but if you have a contract called (contratto a progetto) you won't receive anything besides the regualar pay.

    But if you are fired because you worked improperly, badly then you won't receive tfr.

    This is Italy, bleah!


  2. I believe that you will have a sum of money called "buona uscita" to make you go away...instead if you are fired unfairly you should be readmitted because of the law..

  3. You were fired, this suggests either incompetence or the job has run its course, why would you be compensated?

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