
If you are going out with a girl how do you know if she really likes you.?

by Guest60760  |  earlier

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If you are going out with a girl how do you know if she really likes you.?




  1. ok...umm.....You would know if she likes you because does she hang on you if so then yes....Does she hang around other guys more then you if no then yes she like you...beside you and her are going out ......yall got that far you should just take life as it comes and stop worrieing =)


  2. Its all about body language. Does she look at you often? Do you catch her looking at you when she thinks you're not watching? Does she keep eye contact with you at parties or when you go out in public? These days saying the three little words "I love you." Don't go far and certainly can vanish in a blink. Keep your cool. She'll let you know if something isn't right. If you suspect something isn't right, ask. But don't nag her about it. Show her you are confident in your relationship with her. Don't forget to spoil her some. =o) Good Luck

  3. Well if your going out then I think she likes you. But that can all change in the blink of an eye. You'll now if she doesn't like you anymore cause she'll dump you like a bad habit.

  4. If she lets you touch her boobies she likes you.

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