
If you are going to college or you went to college.HElp?

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I'm moving into my dorm in 2 days...........I'm trying to pack but my suitcase wont close because i have some many stuff? what can I do other than take stuff out? Is there some way to fold stuff to make them fit in my suite case?

How many suitcases did you bring when you went to college? Or did you bring like boxes?

Also can you give me tips on dorm life and stuff?




  1. A suitcase wont get you through the year. Most people you see moving in and our bring an entire van and usually a trailer. THough it depends if you have a shared room or a private room... Go with boxes.

    Hmm tips on dorm life? First of all, what school are you going to?

    I know my school (Fanshawe in ontario) hosts tons of events. Take advantage of them and any services the school offers as their usually free. We got benefits and free legal service, things like that. Try to keep snacks in your dorm even if you dont have a kitchen.. like some apples, crackers, etc so you dont find yourself buying chips at unreasonable prices at 2am.

    Take advantage of frosh week. I only went out for 2 night and i should have went out every night. We have a student block near our school, and during frosh week it is non-stop parties. you can walk in any house , they leave their doors open and invite you in... its a great time.. they don't do it all year though as people have to study more later in the year, so take advantage of frosh week.

    My school has a pub and every night they host something differnt. Games, s*x toy bingo, bands, etc. Its great, and there are always people there. You will likely also have campus recreation as well..

    Hmm what else do you need to know? except to bring your personal items and dont deprive yourself. A suitcase will not get you through the year!

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions :)

  2. I just threw stuff in the car, because it was only a 3-hour drive from home.  When I moved across the country for grad school, I shipped everything through the post office.  If you're flying with your suitcase, and it's mostly clothing, try getting some of those plastic bags from WalMart that you can stuff clothing into and then press all the air out.  They're in the travel section.  I always use them when traveling - I fit a whole sleeping bag, pillow, and a weeks' worth of clothing in regular sized suitcase.

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