
If you are going to court and there is a good chance of you being sent to jail wat clothes do you wear?

by  |  earlier

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And what i mean is will all my clothes be taken during the strip search or is there certain things i can keep for example a bra etc.




  1. I am not sure about your bra...I have only been involved with male processing.  But you should dress expecting to get out...really!

    Checking in is fairly simple, it is done assembly line fashion, and all your stuff is checked in and signed for.  It is all placed in a big bag or box and stored.

    But when you check out it is a different matter.  To be processed out usually takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, so there is a chance you will be hungry and tired when you get done. I suggest wearing clothes that are easy to slip on, baggy pants/shorts and other loose fitting clothes.  Try to stay away from hi-heels, and consider slip on shoes that you can walk long distances in.  Also...wear really clean clothes, that way they will be nicer when you get out.  They are stored in musty areas, and if they are in an open container they will get an odor, starting with clean clothes will be doing yourself a big favor.

    Most processing areas, you have to get out of your jumpsuit and put on your streets right next to a counter, there usually is not a bench or anything, so quick and easy is best.  Also, if you can take a f***y pack with you and put some things you may want in it, bottled water will keep for a long time, and I suggest a protein bar that is well sealed.  (if you bring a small backpack/purse, they have to store that as well, and you can put your stuff in that nice and neat, so that it will not get that stink as well.) If you smoke leave yourself at least one in there, and matches as well as some change for phone calls or bus fare. Finally, it is warm and dry right now, but you might want to consider bringing a rain coat, you never know.

    Good luck

    PS...I have seen inmates use some or all of these suggestions...

  2. They take your clothes and anything else you might have with you and put them into a container and give them back when you leave. Don't bring anything valuable. They might "lose" it while you're in jail.

  3. It depends on where you are at different jails different rules when i was in they took everything. They took my bra because it had the wire in it so maybe wear one with no wire and you might get to keep it. I would no suggest going with pink or green i would stay with white.

  4. You will be allowed to keep your bra and panties but the rest will be held in storage and you will be given a jail issued jumpsuit to wear while you serve your time. You will be allowed to have someone in your family or a  friend provide you with a set amount of panties, bras and socks for your use while you are in jail.  

  5. Yes, your clothes WILL be taken from you right after they (corrections officers) get you to the jail and have you take a shower in front of them.....and yes they'll be female officers.  Once the shower is done, and they are sure that you are free of any lice and/or germs, they'll have you put your clothes on in a plastic box with your name and information on the outside.  Then they either ask you are just give you what size they think you are.  You should be able to keep any and all underclothing.  All jewlery will be removed, so if you don't want it there, leave it home.  And remember, what you came in, is what you leave in.

  6. It depends on several factors but here is a safe bet under garments make sure your bra doesn't have an under wire.  Could be considered a weapon and take that.  Shoes should not have laces, I wouldn't wear any jewelry and no hooded sweat shirts or clothes that could resemble a guards uniform and no heels.  

  7. They take all of your stuff,including jewelry.I was only allowed to keep my underwear on,they took my bra.Oh and have fun getting undressed while a woman officer watches you.Creepy  to say the least.

  8. I bet you'll be one of the only women on the bus who is worried about what to wear.

  9. stripes

  10. Just don't wear an underwire.  

  11. It doesn't matter what cloths you wear because once you get to the jail they will give you a jump suit to wear.

  12. Wear loose stuff that's easy to take off.  No jewelery or anything like that.  And, just some flip flops or socks.  They prolly won't give you a bra....usually it's just commando under the jumpsuit.

  13. no you cant keep anything, it all goes in a bag with your inmate # on it and kept away until you are released. They provide their own ,bra, underwear , shirt,pants,and shoes. But I suggest you wear something that  is clean and that you would want to ware in font of the judge (in case you have to appear in front of the judge during your incarceration) and something you would want to be released wearing. I wouldn't wear any jewelry either(including piercings) but thats up to you.

    they give you a bra, but it is not under wire.

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