
If you are hearing impaired...?

by Guest63290  |  earlier

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If you're deaf, can you hear yourself hum or pick up some frequencies from the environment around you? My friend is writing a screenplay for a class and her main character loses his hearing. Would he be able to hear himself speak?




  1. Depends on the type/severity of deafness.  If he went profoundly deaf, no, he wouldn't be able to hear anything, including himself hum.  He would be able to feel the vibrations, but not be able to distinguish them from one another.  If he were deaf, he couldn't hear.  That's why many times people ask about a "deaf voice" on here- they don't sound "hearing" because they can't monitor and hear themselves speak.  Although if he went deaf late in life, he wouldn't have a problem speaking, as he already knows how.

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