
If you are house sitting for one of your friends...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike it okay to walk around/sleep naked?




  1. Of course.  My niece housesat for me last year and I told her to just make herself at home.  She was doing me a tremendous favor just being there!

    You are just doing your friend a favor by being there -- so do your normal thing and it should be just fine.  No reason to feel uncomfortable.

  2. Why would you want to?  House sitting is a job (paid or not) and should be taken seriously.  Would you go to your job naked (if you weren't a stripper)?  

    Practice a little restraint, unless you'll be there for a month or more.

  3. Sure......

    just beware of hidden cameras ;)

  4. Just be sure the blinds are closed.  The neighbors may not appreciate your... um... "show."

    Have a polite day.

  5. If that's what you usually do, why not?

    Just be sure you know exactly when your friends are expected back, you wouldn't want any, uh, surprises.

  6. Absolutely not.  It is not your home and you should not walk or sleep nude.  What you do in the privacy of your own home is one thing, but what you do in someone else's home is another.  Respect someone elses property.  It just isn't proper in your friends home.

    Peace & Love  :)

  7. Would you want someone to sleep naked in your bed? It's really not appropriate and I'm sure you can go a small amount of time without doing it.  

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