
If you are in a place that isn't haunted and...?

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you talk about demons (by name) and ghosts and things like that...will anything happen? Are they always listening?




  1. Most anywhere you go, there are spirits around you.  They would not hurt you if they could.  Ghost come in a variety of ways, the ones you should concern yourself with most would be a traditional or intelligent ghost.  They have the ability to interact and sometimes they do.  Demons really don't care about humans one way or the other.  I like to say that they are sociopathic in a way.  But if you invite them, they sometimes do come around.  I don't know that they are always listening to the living world, but they are around all the time.

  2. It really depends on what kind of person, you see some demons or ghost listens in and contacts you but that really doesn't happen. if you dont want a demon or ghost to contact you, you better not make it angry!

    ~ I know this cause i am smart i have a 145 iq

  3. Well, I'm with Deenie... are you SURE the place isn't haunted?? Cause most places have spirits in them... just not noisy or tormented ones. Chances are, a spirit has roamned through your house at some point.

    But it really just depends on the spirit or demon. I wouldn't say they're always listening, but unless you're a sensitive, you never know. So chances are, nothing will happen, but I can't say for certain, cause they've got free will just like we do.

  4. There is an old wives' tale that calling the name of a demon (or even Satan himself) will cause it to appear.  It's pretty easy to see the origin of such a superstition.

  5. i really dont know but ive always wondered too.i like oija boards....and they kinda freak me out when i do it but maybe you should try and not call any but just have it there....and say the names?

  6. It really depends on how you try to contact them. If you do a sconce or something. But I wouldn't rec amend it to any one unless they were experienced. As for me I can talk to them all the time I am able to be in a room with some people that I have never met or seen before  and get messages. I pass messages on all the time through the questions I answer on the yahoo answers.

  7. How is it that you KNOW there aren't any spirits/ghosts/demons etc. around?

  8. from experience i would say yes. i seriously wouldn't do it if i were you. especially if theyre demons you've already encountered

  9. I can tell you they are always there, or they can be in a flash.

    If you were one of the sensitive ones, you know they are always there. Where ever I lived or worked I seen or felt their presence. Even Satan in dreams and God's presence.

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