
If you are in the Army Reserves and you miss AT (Annual Training) what will happen discipline wise?

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I' m not trying to go just because I don't want too. It's not like that. It's just they just let me know last week, they emailed me orders, I'm in a important co-op job where I just got to be on these projects. Going to AT means i will miss out on all that when the job ends when I'm suppose to be coming back.I just came back from deployment and was told I didn't have to go anywhere for a year from the time i got back. It hasn't been a year yet. Also i have all my points for a complete year, I was on deployment for over a year. I won't be AWOL because I am going to continue going to drill like I always have. I've never missed a drill or any other requirement.




  1. I dont know how your unit is but you can request an alternate a.t. be it helping around for the time you will still owe, other than that, you will be awol the susequently demoted.

  2. Not sure how the Army works, but in with the NAvy Reserves, you can request an alternative period (if you are lucky), you can be recalled if this type of behavior is habitual, as well as NJP.

  3. Call your unit and ask if you can do split training.  Most units will allow you to make up the missed days if a good reason is presented.  There was someone in my unit who had to miss AT for work but she made it up the following 2 weeks.

  4. Here's the deal:  They issued you orders, so you're expected to be there.  If you don't show up, that's a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (Failure to go and AWOL if you miss more than 24 hours of your annual tour).  Doesn't matter if you have all your points for a complete year; doesn't matter if they told you that you don't have to go anywhere for a year -- once the orders are cut, you have a lawful military obligation to comply.

    Your best bet is to talk to your First Sergeant.  He/She may be able to work it out so you can do your annual tour at another time.  But if they tell you that you have to be there, your choices are (a) Show up, or (b) Risk disciplinary action -- like an Article 15 or a court-martial -- if you don't report.

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