
If you are in the military and you are stationed somewhere where pot is legal, can you smoke it?

by  |  earlier

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Without getting in trouble...




  1. I am guessing the rules of the military are the ones that a member must follow.  They have to follow local laws as well.  So I would make an educated guess, no they can't legally smoke it.

  2. no.. and it is stupid too

  3. No, because it is illegal for a member of the armed forces to use drugs.

    By the way, there is no such thing as a "national drinking age". The drinking age is set by the states.

  4. I doubt if American soldies are allowed to represent our country "high" no matter where they are.

  5. No, because you are still a United States citizen under the laws of the USA and also because it is illegal to use drugs in the military.  

  6. Nope, the military forbids it. You need to go with the more strict laws, of which the military's are generally the more strict.

    That's the way it should be, too. I don't care if my co-worker calls in sick because he's too high to drive here... I mean, I do, but I can manage. But if you've gotta repair a tank to go into combat, I would want you clean, dry and sober.

    Just go the canteen on your leave.

  7. No matter where you are stationed, you are under the rules and regulations of the branch of the service you are in.  Marijuana is illegal in the military so - no you cannot smoke it no matter where you are without getting in trouble.  You would be subject to disciplinary action by the military.  

  8. No, American military personnel are subject to the UCMJ, which makes smoking pot illegal and supersedes local law as far as the military is concerned.

  9. Military rules supercede all other, if you commit any crime punishable by the local law, you'll be punished by the military as well. That's 2 thumbs down for you, so don't do anything stupid.

  10. NO, just like you can still go to jail for adultery while you in the military, but the rest of the country doesn't even see that as a fit reason for divorce. The laws of the military pull rank over whatever laws  are in force where they are stationed.

    What? why the thumbs down? :o(

  11. not unless you want to end up in jail

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