
If you are in/went to high school, what is the best advice you could give to a freshman??

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I'm going into my freshman year of high school, and I just wanted some advice.

Things to make me less nervous, ways to get around easier, the works.

Tips on how to keep up in academics would be greatly appreciated, too.





  1. it's really not that hard, i'm going into my sophmore year.

    don't be afraid to ask questions.

    most upperclassmen actually are really nice and will help you out if you need it.

    freshman year DOES MATTER so don't blow everything off.

    smile alot :)

    challenge yourself and take harder classes.

    don't sweat the small stuff, laughing it off is more fun and makes you feel better. :)

    good luck!

  2. There is a lot of negative hype that makes people nervous and the majority of what you'll here is garbage and assuming you don't hang out with a questionable crowd almost all of it is. To keep up in academics do all your assignments to the best of your ability all the time, study regularly, and don't be afraid to ask your teachers for extra help if your having trouble with something.  

  3. Since my high school is really different from most (meaning the students, the curriculum, etc...), I don't really have much to say about the "ways to get around easier" part.

    To achieve a lack of nervousness, just try to keep your calm. Just think it's just another new school year, and that you'll be fine.

    Academics... well, high school is much more difficult when it comes to academics. I made the mistake of focusing too much on my friends and other stuff during my freshman year. So, just concentrate on your studies. Trust me, that's the way to go. I'm not telling you to stop having friends and all that, but really, once you step into high school, super-glue academics on top of your priority list before you do anything else.

    If you begin to get stressed, just take a short time everyday for yourself. Deep breathing, creative expression...whatever works for you. Though you should focus greatly on your studies, it's never a good idea to overwork yourself and push yourself over your limit.

  4. no matter what, don't try to hang with seniors, let them ask you, they might even like you, but treat you like dirt, because they have to keep up their image.

    I remember those days, not fun at all

  5. Don't drop your soap in the shower.Do your homework first thing after school.

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