
If you are into Indian cooking what are some popular AND less known, altho delicious recipes for Indian dishes

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  1. If you like Indian food & would like to try some unique and different recipes:  check out this site, it's one of my favorites

  2. All kind of veg. and non veg biryani's and pulav (pilaf) - Rice dishes

    All kind of north indian (Punjabi) cuisine

    Coastal recipes for sea food. (Goan, konkani or malwani)

    Kashmir cuisine

    Maharashtrean cuisine (veg and non veg)

    Hydrabad cuisine for non veg

    Lakhnow cuisine for Mughal style non veg.

    Bengal cuisine for sweet water fish and sweet desserts

    South Indian cuisine for veg and savoury snack meals.

  3. I'm Indian and it's so hard to say since every single state and region has it's own distinct flavour.

    Coming from a purely North Indian perspective, try some of the Rajasthani and Gujrati food - it's quite simple and tastes "homemade" but it's really good!

    Ummm... there are lots of dahls that for some reason restaurants never use. Try all and every type of dahl you can get your hands on. With Basmati Rice, they make the best lunches, especially in winter since they're so soothing!

    Raita is good, too! It may seem overrated, but I can't eat Indian food without it. It's amazing. I can't even eat normal yoghurt for that matter. It's raita or nothing.

    Just... sort of try different "regions" of cooking. Sort of journey your way around India and see what type of stuff you like!

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