
If you are invited...?

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If you are invited for a wedding by someone who you dislike, how would you refuse her invitation? Any good examples please?




  1. RSVP by checking the no thanks box lol... No excuses needed. If they ask why you can't come, you can use the vague "I have prearranged plans". Or you could actually go do something else to ensure you're not lying.

    No harm done!

  2. You reply to the invitation you will not attend. No explanation required. Anyone who gets married automatically expects a certain percentage to decline the invitation.

  3. Just RSVP no on the invite. If they ask you why you RSVPed no, just tell them that due to prior commitments (your commitment to disliking them, lol) you are unable to attend.

  4. Just RSVP that you won't attend. The polite thing to do would be to write a little note on the response card that says "Sorry we won't be able to make it but I'm sure you're wedding will be beautiful." No excuses are necessary and it never hurts to be a little nice, even if you don't like the person.

  5. You send back your RSVP card marked "no." You don't have to give an explanation or do anything to make a point. Just decline on the card and go about your merry way.

    Don't use someone else's wedding to make a grand display of how much you dislike them. That's tacky and cruel.

  6. Like others said, either RSVP saying no..

    Or I'd probably say that I'm sorry I will not be attending, but I've already made plans for that date..

    Something along those lines.

    If you feel bad about that, maybe say you can attend or phone a month or so before the wedding & say you're awfully sorry but something has come up with work (or something x)) on that day and you unfortunately cannot make it.

    Good luck! x)

  7. If you dont like them then of course I wouldnt go.  Why waste the time going, getting ready and money on a gift!

  8. Just RSVP no on the invite. No explanations needed.

  9. Simply check the box for regrets ( or similar term).  No need for explanations or to be rude or mean just because you dislike them.

  10. all you have to do is RSVP 'no'

  11. i didnt go to my brothers wedding because i hate his wife!  i refused because im not a hipocrite!

  12. Just decline the invitation. No reason needed.

    Don't leave her hanging though, make sure you reply by the deadline - even though you don't like this person there is no reason to be rude.

  13. Just say no on the invite and if she asks then say you are already invited to  a previous engagement!!

    Or say yes and dont turn up and if she asks then say you were ill.

  14. If you are requested to RSVP, just say you have a prior engagement when you call the person. If you don't have to RSVP, just don't go.

  15. Just don't show up. She prob won't even notice and if she does and asks you just tell her you were ill or had a "family emergency"

  16. check the "decline" box on the RSVP and drop it in the mail.
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