
If you are invited somewhere and you don't want to go do you feel it's okay to make up an excuse (lie)?

by  |  earlier

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to not hurt the person's feelings by just don't wanna go?




  1. If I know that the person is sensitive and that it would hurt their feelings if I turned them down (or if I continually have to turn them down for things), then I do make up a little white lie.  Usually, though, I have real reasons for not going.

  2. i always make up excuses. And i know people might think thats bad, but its not in my personality to be confrontational, and i hate upsetting people! so if that means telling a little white lie every so often then so be it! haha. Im not advising anyone to do it, but i just find it easier. I would hate to think i would upset a friend by just saying i dont want to go! But you have to make sure its something that you cant be fount out about!  

  3. ya definatellii laying and making an excuse would be more better rather than saying directlly NO (tht would hurt the perosn)..... and suppose if u don't want to go than tell the genuine reson or give an explanation why you dont want to be there...... be as assertive and explanatory as possible !

  4. A lie is never okay.

    It is wrong by any book. Do you like it when you find out that you were lied to?

    A lie will hurt feelings and cost you a friendship. If you tell the truth and that cost a friendship, then it really was not a true friendship in the first place.

    Just tell the truth but remember that you can tell it in a hurtful way or a subtle way. Either way, just don't lie.

  5. i will tell them the truth tht i do not want to go  

  6. I have no problem saying that I don't want to go/do/whatever! If there are hurt feelings, I simply explain more gently.  Being honest is usually always best if invited by someone you are close to. However, sometimes a small white lie is appropriate so as not to offend someone you don't know very well!!!.  

  7. I only make up a lie if the person is on my back to go someplace that I don't want to go.  Some people are relentless and the only way you can stop them is to make up a foolproof reason you can't go.

  8. telling lies is better telling truth and hurting others feelings.

  9. I would rather lie ("Oooh I´m soo sick") than tell the invitator to shove it.

  10. Of course I do.

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