
If you are invited to a dinner/get together what are some ways to feel relaxed?

by Guest60909  |  earlier

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i was invited to a going away dinner and the only person that

I knew was the person who invited me. Everyone else was standoffish and s****.. I haven't seen him in years and i felt

very out of place.




  1. drink another glass of wine.. or two.. or three

  2. Well, history cannot be changed, and that party is in the past. However, I would have gone to the person who invited me, introduce myself, and tell them how thoughtful they were to include you in the celebration of his departure, and then ask that person to introduce you to some of his other guests.  Then just go from there.

  3. have a drink-not to many and remember that every one has an a*****e and knows how to use it-or if that doesn't bring them down a notch then imagine them all naked-probably didn't help a-but i just had to say it

  4. Best just to introduce youself to someone and make some new friends.

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