
If you are just getting your top braces will it hurt and is it easy to eat how long will it take

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If you are just getting your top braces will it hurt and is it easy to eat how long will it take




  1. when they tighten them they will obviously hurt but after that its fine its the most normal thing ever. you get so used to them you wont even notice. brush your teeth though cause seriously people get really bad trackss!

  2. No it wont hurt ...yuyp its absolutely fine u gt to avoid crispy or crunchy food dat may b lodged in between the braces....its nt dat u will nt able 2 eat u just gt 2 keep ur teeth clean to avoid caries and halitosis.....dats it... it will take around 1 year 2 complete da treatment.... c

  3. You may experience some soreness but I recommend taking some Advil or Aleve before getting them on and then make sure you take some more right around the four-hour mark.  The soreness may make chewing some food a little uncomfortable so you may want to stick to soft foods for a day...after that you should be good to go.  

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