
If you are not a very religious family would you still consider putting your child in a religious daycare?

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We are about to change daycares due to issues. We aren't atheist or anything like that, but we haven't really attended church in years, don't really pray, or talk about God. I'd say I am agnostic while my husband believes but doesn't really do anything. We will teach our child about religion and God when he is old enough to understand but don't plan on addressing it otherwise. However, we are considering a religious daycare because it seems like the best in this area. Would this be ok for a 14 mo old? Or wrong since we don't really practice?




  1. yes because ive noticed the food is alot better and definately healthy, the teachers are really nice they have cameras and other things to make you feel comfortable about leaving your babies there, i grew up in catholic, adventist, christian, public, private, moravian h**l all schools and they were all the same !

    youll hardly notice that its religous because they dont push religioun on you except mayby if there is a dress code or something and everything is not jesus loves me this i know, mayby in the morning for about an hour or so but after that its just regular school!

  2. My son was in a religious daycare/pre-school from ages 2-5yrs. We aren't all that religious, but it was the best place in the area. It's really not a big deal and you'll find that not only are there children there from families who aren't religious but children who are being taught or come from different religious backrounds. My son learned quite a bit from going there. Extra knowledge for them. The door was always open for church if he wanted to go, but he never did.

    It's fine.

  3. There are more considerations than just religion when picking a day care.

    As you've already figured out!

    If you like the school, go for it.


    They don't always teach "Red is for Jesus' blood".  Actually, I've never heard of that at all.

    Ask questions about what is taught.  Both school subjects and religion.  They'll be happy to tell you.

  4. I won't do religious daycares, preschools or schools for my boys because I know of many things they teach there and that isn't how I want my boys learning about things.  Like for example, the color red is taught as the color of Jesus's blood as it flows from sores on his hands.  Why do they need to tell a 2 year old that?  I just feel like they go overboard on things.  My boys are taught about God and Jesus and prayers and stuff at home and we don't go to Church but we are believers and we teach them about things but I wouldn't want it pushed in their face everyday at school.  

  5. My mother puts my little brother and sister in a religious pre-school and we aren't very religious at all. They seem to be fine. We haven't attended Church in years.

  6. I'm agnostic and my son went to an episcopal preschool until he was 5... The school had a "bible class"every week, but it was tailored to the kids education level. I saw it as a story-time and basic ethics/morality class. (you know, the whole "what's the moral of the story class" type deal). He would come home and ask a bunch of questions, and we openly talked about it... I taught him many people believe many different things, and he is fine. He knows when it comes to religious beliefs it is his decision. Even at 2, you shouldn't have to worry about anything other than it being the best in the area.

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