
If you are not allowed to question WT organization's teachings, then how come any "New Light" is even allowed?

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Superman w: LOL, you are wrong. It is not like that at all. People read these questions and all the answers people give. I get all the time private e-mails and people areb telling me how much they appreciate these kind of questions. I have blocked many JWs because they only slander participants. I am happy to pull the block off if they want to.

I generally block the people who block me. Like Vot, she was kind of annoying but I blocked her when she had blocked me

These questions are not only about and for JWs, you know, people come to my questions and answers, and they pay attention to what is said. They might not agree with me or others, but more and more people start to understand why I am questioning WT Organization's teachings

This is not about me. See all the JW and WT questions around. Nina is not alone : )




  1. Russell eloquently wrote the following truism that:

    "If we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now; But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from God must be like its author. A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. … "New Light" never extinguishes older "light" but adds to it…" Zion's Watch Tower 1881 February pp.3, 188

    OK, this is their founder and first president of the Watchtower that said this and it completely make good common sense.

    But, when the Watchtower receives new light and disregard old light, then in fact the old light was not true at all.  This takes in the fact that the bible does not change.

    Now for the concept of not questioning the Governing body is just the most bizarre concept that I have ever seen.  Most cults do not allow you to question the authority of the main person or persons.  This is to keep the member in line.  What a bunch of hog wash it is when God gave us free will and the "Almighty Watchtower" takes it away.  That is completely asinine and absurd.  Anyone who does not question their leaders of their religion is just an accident waiting to happen.  It is completely unbiblical and their faith is too weak to withstand the questions.  I am a Christian and  non denominational.  You may question my faith, my leader at anytime.  In Fact he insists that you do.  Just in case you want to know who my leader is, his name is Jesus.

  2. Because like Mormonism.Only the head honcho can bring in "New Light". Members of both groups are forbidden to question authority.

  3. For the same reason that everyone that answers the door to a JW is supposed to examine their own religion thoroughly, but a JW is not allowed to.

  4. Just as they pick and choose what they think is Pagan, they pick and choose whom they allow to question their teachings and put new light on their mistakes.

  5. I think your problem is that you don't understand "new light."

    It is a process that Acts describes as happening by the leading of the holy spirit. The account on the question of circumcision and observance of the Jewish laws, showed that it was at the direction the holy spirit that the body of elders made the decision. It was new light. (saved the gentiles a lot of needless suffering!)

    There is only one 'flashlight" in this organization and it is the hands of Jehovah God. It is he that causes the light to grow, and we trust the faithful and discrete slave is the one at this end of the light.


    It is interesting that I get thumbs down, when I am the only one answering the question, and as far as I see, the only one who is a Witness.

    Well, I didn't come here for the thumbs up either. Have a good day and may you not be living on the Gulf coast!

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