
If you are not dilated and at 40wks how can doctors help start off labour?

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ive heard to have membranes stripped you have to be dilated abit otherwise they cannot do it so what will they do if you are 40weeks and havnt dilated at all?




  1. I am 38 weeks pregnant and not dilated at all.  I talked with my doctor because we have a history in our family to not dilate.  He said that generally they will allow you to go to 41 weeks and then schedule induction.  He also said that if you are not dilated or thinned any, that the chances of induction working are very slim so generally you will have a c-section.  Each doctor is different though, they have different methods they try first and so forth.  I have asked about the gel and stripping the membranes and he says that he doesn't do these unless you are at least dilated some.  Good luck and best wishes!

  2. Oxytocin injection

  3. Usually they will make you wait another week, just to see if you will go into labor.  But they can strip your membranes without dialation.  It's just not as likely to do much.  They can place a gel in your cervix to try to stimulate it, or IV meds to induce labor.  If you don't ever dialate, then c section is your next option.

  4. Since you're at term, the usual procedure is to induce labor with an infusion of Pitocin, which stimulates the uterine muscles to contract.

  5. They'll give you prostaglandin gel inserted into your v****a to help ripen your cervix.  I had 4 doses of this over the course of a week when I was pregnant with my first baby before the doctors would induce me with pitocin.  If you're not dilated at all and they start the pitocin you have a higher likelihood of not progressing and needing a C-section.  I had a successful induction with my first baby at 42 weeks.  

  6. When my wife was in that position 16 years ago they used prostaglandin(sp) gel.  It worked and wasn't hard on her.  They said it is called inducing, but it's really not.  No meds, just the gel.


  8. They will strip your membranes  

  9. They will strip your membranes or induce you with medication

  10. They can give you a prostaglandin gel, which they put in your cervix, to ripen it so it will begin to dilate.

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