
If you are not in the USA, can you tell me about your educational system?

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  1. I live in Bangladesh and for school they just throw old US text books at us...

  2. hi there. I'm in UK. well we start off in playschool (optional at aged 2) then start reception classes in a proper school at aged 5 then stay in infant school til aged 11 where you have an exam, this then detarmines if you go to a grammer school or not. If you get good marks on this exam you pass and get a choice to go to a school where other children have passed. If you dont pass never mind, you go to an ordinary school which we call a secondary school or some schools are called high schools. From secondary school depending on well you do in your GCSE's (end of school exams aged 15-16) you can then go on to do A levels or further education in a college or stay on in school. If you stay on in school this is called sixth form. You would then usually stay there and do this for 2 years. After then you get UCAS points which helps you go to university. hope this helps.

    We have a national curriculum that has to be kept to. this covers and is the same i think across all england.

  3. well, I'm from Venezuela, and maybe one of the most obvious differences between the us education system and ours is that you guys see 6 classes per year, while over here it varies, from 11 to 13. we see much more information than you, but the down side is that we are t stressed because we have to do homework for 13 classes. not much free time, which is the same reason why many drop out.

  4. hello, i live in Indonesia i'd tell about the education system in our country. there are 3 levels of our educatiaon. the first is elementary school you must spend 6 years to study in this level. the second is junior high school (3 years) and the last level is senior high school (3 years) in this level you must study hard because you are going to continue your study in university

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