
If you are not satisfied with the service, do you still have to tip?

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If you are not satisfied with the service, do you still have to tip?




  1. I usually leave like 14 cents. Justt enough to p**s the person off.  Restraunts have NO rule that a waiter MUST get a tip.  In a way it is the restraunts way of getting cheap labor.  But if it was not there, would anyone give good service.

    I know that it is not a fun or eazy job.  But if you are a jerk or don't fill my dring for like 5 mins after it is empty, you don't deserve any extra money from me.

  2. No you don't. As far as I'm concerned, my tip depends on how good the service was. However, I still leave something unless the service was just horrible.

  3. I don't.

  4. you dont need to but it is polite to.

  5. no way .....a tip is for good service

    why tip if u dont get the service ?

  6. There is no requirement to tip (even if the service is excellent), unless it is in a large party and the menu clearly states the tip will be charged automatically.

    If I really had bad service, I still tip 5-10%, just because I know how hard waiting table is, and how rude common customers can be.

    Do what feel right for you though, but do it politely and maybe even explain why you didn't tip.

  7. There have been times my service was soooo bad the bus boy had to bring me a refill of pop!  so what i did was at the very end was TIP the busboy right in front of the waitress and tell him " hey u need a promotion cuz u served me better than the waitress did!  Once our food sat in the window so long my hubby had to go up and get our food!  So i tipped him not the waitress!  do this:  when u first get to a restaraunt put a bunch of one dollar bills in the middle of the table and each time the waitress screws up take one away when she can see u take it away and man- they see it getting smaller and smaller- they eventually get a clue!

  8. You never "have to" tip - payment is customary but still voluntary.

    If I get awful service and my complaints don't lead to it being correct, I leave no tip.

  9. No, A tip is just what it is a tip for good service or good food if you tip the cook (lol) if you  are not happy dont tip.

  10. Never ever do that!

  11. No

  12. I generally tip in all cases. You never know if there was a reason for the poor service. No one is perfect in their job everyday. If you have never served tables in your life you can't imagine the  stress on a daily basis. You have to present a cheerful disposition  when serving. Even when the customer  gives a complaint and you may feel it is valid , you as the employee have to support what the kitchen or management tells you to do. It is very awkward when you know the customer is right but you have to tell them basically "too bad". Sometimes customers blame the server for the food taking a long time. The server doesn't cook it and cannot bring it out any faster if you make a scene. Some people don't know the difference between service and servitude. You know who you are! How many times did the server have to run for you and leaves 2-3 other tables waiting because you just remembered you needed something else. Most customers are wonderful but it just takes one a shift to throw your day . Oh and bt the way the WORST tippers are the ones who could afford to . They have class, too bad it's third.

  13. I do but not the 15%, and I complain to the manager.  Also, if the service was really, really, bad then I dont leave anything.  I used to be a waitress and I always over tip if the service was good, since they dont make squat for a wage anyway.

  14. It is not required, but always keep in mind that you do not always give 100% of yourself.  If that server had given 100% I would leave a 20-25% tip.  Depending on the level of awful service received weighed against the rate of customer turnover, I would leave 10-15 %.  Unless this person personally attacked you, spit in your food or destroyed you to the point of never returning to society again, there is no need to stiff him/her or leave a crappy $.02 tip.  Karma is a ***** and what comes around goes around.

  15. I do but it will only be half of what they would have gotten.

  16. HAVE TO ????  You never have to do anything!!

  17. no way

  18. Put a couple quarters or pennies in your glass.

  19. no! thats your way of saying that you thought there service was poor

  20. Instead of leaving no tip, which could be viewed as an oversight try leaving a dime or nickel and even a note with it.  Also, if it was really bad, talk to the manager!!!

  21. Depends---is the tip withheld directly related to the person who would be picking it up off the table or punishment for slow food perhaps?

    I don't take my disappointment out on a server if the cook didn't meet my expectations.  Make sense?

  22. The best way to show you are not satisfied with service is to leave 2 peenies, they will know what you are saying.

  23. NO!!!!!!!!

  24. You don't have to...but if you do, do it grudgingly. They get the message.

  25. I don't but only when I get really bad service. Most the time I still leave a small tip  because these servers do not make much money per hour.

  26. I don't either.

    But how do you do that at the countries where the tip is included on the bill?? Is legal to take it away?

  27. not at all, you give tips as a bonus for doing a good job, its something the customer CHOOSES to do... these people still get their wages at the end of the day so its not like you're doing them any harm, in fact you're helping them get their act together because they will see that they can't get away with bad service and still expect a tip.

  28. I only tip if I am happy with the service!  If I got bad service, I do not tip!

  29. No.  If you’re not satisfied with the service, you don't have to tip.  I tip because I want to.  Excellent service, gets an above average tip, average service, average tip, and poor service, I at least leave them 2-4 dollars (this depends of course on the size of party I'm with and the amount of the bill) , maybe they are just having a bad day...we all do sometimes.  

    Besides, waiters really don’t make that much.  They depend on the tips.

  30. Being a server I feel it is my obligation to answer this question...OF COURSE YOU should at least tip 15% which people confuse as being the standard when actually it is 20%, you can use 12-15% if your not happy.  One thing you have to remember things are not always in the servers control since they actually don't prepare the food, so there fore we should not suffer due to a slow/busy kitchen...the kitchen staff still gets paid and after all we only make server wage and rely on tips to survive.

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