
If you are on a highway and break down, do you stay in the car or do you get out?

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I see cars in the left and right shoulder broken down. I have seen a lot of news about people getting struck by cars while changing tires or waiting for a tow truck. Do you stay in the car, get out and stay behind your car?




  1. The current government advice is to get everyone out of thge car to a safe location well away from it.

    In this way the passengers are protected from an idiot not paying attention and smashing into your stationery vehicle.

    (You will note that when the Police or breakdown truck first gets to you, they will park behind you about twenty feet away to act as a protective barrier.)

  2. Well. Usually you should try to stay off the shoulder as far away as possible. If you are waiting for a tow truck or some other response, I have heard some officers say it's better to be away from the car somewhere in the grass and where you are easily visible. Also, make sure your car is visible and known for an emergency situation. You should have your hazard lights on and be sure to make sure you aren't in the way of regular flowing traffic. Never park in the H.O.V. lanes or any other lane, even if traffic is less than usual, as it is very dangerous.

  3. If you are having car trouble, and there is any place to pull off, get out of moving traffic.

    If you stall in a lane of traffic, turn on your hazard lights, and stay in the car. Never try to cross a freeway on foot.

    Always keep an eye on approaching traffic after you've stopped.

    Always wear your seat belt when waiting for help in your car.

    If you have a cellular phone, call 911, and tell the 911 operator your location immediately. (Cellular 911 calls are routed to a central dispatch center and operators cannot determine your location.)

    Don't try to fix your car. It is dangerous to work under the hood, under your car, or next to your car (even if you are using emergency warning devices) in or near fast-moving traffic.

    Be careful where you place a lighted flare. They can ignite anything flammable, including dry brush or weeds beside the road.

    Leave pets in the car. Animals are much safer, for you and them, in the car.

  4. never inside lane,,,,,,coast car to shoulder if at all possible! on shoulder,be out of car and on embankment

  5. If the weather is bad, or it's nighttime, or you don't feel safe, stay in the car with the hazard lights on.  If not, I'd get out and get as far from the road as possible without losing sight of the car.

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