
If you are on welfare/food stamps, do they care what you spend your money on?

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I just found out that a couple that lives in my building is on welfare/food stamps. Well, at least, they were on welfare for 3 months, and now they have to work for 3 months to be eligible for welfare again, so now they both got part-time jobs, and they're going to quit after the 3 months. Anyways, I thought it was weird because the guy spends thousands and thousands of dollars spiffing up his car all the time. Also, the girl goes out and spends money on brand-new digital cameras and tattoos, and she's planning on getting a boob job soon. So it made me wonder, if you're on welfare, do they make any effort to find out what you spend your money on? I personally don't know how I feel about welfare, but it definitely pisses me off that they are on welfare. Both of them are very young and very capable of working, and I don't feel like they deserve to be on welfare. I feel like there are so many people who need it more than they do.




  1. you could always report them. Tell your local DHS or there is a number online (anonymously) that you feel they are committing welfare fraud and the reasons you feel that way..They will then follow up on it..or should. I see how they can get food stamps but what kind of welfare.. a check..they can't get that unless they have children.. so more than likely they lied to get that money..I would definately report it and then you have done your job...People who commit welfare fraud are using money that needs to go to those who really need it. My sis in law is committing food stamp fraud and has been for a while now. I asked someone if that was any of my business.this is what I was told : I get a SSI/soc sec check monthly.  In Jan we are supposed to get raises. If the money is not in the budget due to people committing fraud, we don't get our raise.. so everyone suffers.

  2. "They" will if there are multiple calls.  But you are talking about people that have a union mentality - they will only do what they are told, will not work just for the good of the job and if they can ignore it they will.

    And to be perfectly honest, they already know (in theory) what that couple is doing, the food stamps are distributed on a card now, so ultimately it can be tracked.  YOu know, their lobster, breyers/dreyers purchases and the unusual purchases (different than normal stores when they sell to their friends).

    You must either live in California or upper East Coast (Tri-state area), because these are the only places that give ridiculous welfare amounts ($700 & up).  Not being nosy but locations also make a difference.

    And I think the most beautiful part of this scenario is that they are able to afford your building...  

    Out here in California, you could share a building with a person paying 200 for the same apt you pay 1600 for (and that could be a bachelor/studio/efficiency).

  3. Obviously there is something else going on with this couple. There is no way they could afford any of the things you mentioned if their only income is welfare.

    I agree,if they are young and able bodied with no young children,there should be no reason they qualify for welfare.

    Unfortunately,there is no way to keep track of how they spend the money.

  4. Unfortunately, human services does not follow up to see where the money is being spent.  They do not have funds or the manpower to do so.  These two people are just an example of how people take advantage of the system.  It is sad, because as you said there are so many more people that need help more than they do.  Unless they have a boat load of children, I can't imagine that they are receiving enough money from the state to live, for cars, boob jobs, etc.   It sounds like they may be up to illegal activities as well.  Report them for welfare fraud.

  5. Nope. As long as its not illegal.  How do they get it without kids?

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