
If you are pro-peace, do you plan to join the General Strike on 9/11/07?

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Or do you think there are better ways to achieve peace?




  1. i'm pro peace but i think theres definitely a lot of other ways to show it. having a strike doesnt really solve anything.  i know people stand up for what they believe in but at the end of the day what does it do for you. you can either feel good about making a stand or feel bad that you have wasted your time as well as other peoples time by doing a strike. also sometimes strikes end up bad. a lot of people get hurt even if they are  not in the strike. instead of doing a strike people should push for the day being a holiday to remember those who died during the tragedy.

  2. No sorry, and if someone who works for me takes off/ calls in sick, they will need a new job....

  3. Is that Senator Reid  AKA  General Betray-US ?

  4. I'm pro peace but that is going to be a waste of time ,

    so my way of getting peace is to vote for Ron Paul

    the only way a strike will work is if its many days long, one day will not cut it.

  5. I'm their.. 9/11/07. NYC.. Lets stop the real terrorists!

  6. No.

    Try to come up with a solution.

    Not in creating the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men.

    When living human kind were living in misery out there.

    In solving the mess out there.

  7. Yes, there are better ways to achieve peace.  Namely, we must take out those that wish to kill people for no better reason than the people they want to kill aren't trying to kill others.

    So long as evil persists in this world, we must be willing to fight it.  Evil persists today and the most readily available example are the militant islamists that want to KILL YOU.

    No Politics.  Just the groundtruth, backed up by historical and religious study, independent research and the personal experiences of myself and others that have BEEN THERE!

  8. 9/11? Even I have better taste than that.

  9. its not going to work..there are better ways

  10. No, I think I'll have pass on taking part in your terrorist support rally.  But thanks for the offer.

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