
If you are rear-ended in an auto accident will you get a better settlement?

by  |  earlier

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Or type of impact doesn't matter? It just seems like the other insurance company is at even more at fault if you are rear ended.




  1. Not necessarily.

  2. It depends on your injuries, and property damages done.  

  3. area of impact has no affect on the amount they pay. Insurance companies indemnify that's it.  

  4. the only thing that matters on a settlement are the damages.  one particular accident doesn't pay more than another.

  5. wreak is a wreak front or rear you was hurt you get a set amount to pay for car and or your doctor bills if it dont cover it all you get to sue for more.. which is why its so high now... and really did the insurance company run into you or was it a car

  6. Usually you are rear-ended because the person behind you is following too close.

    Type of impact doesn't matter.  It is who is at fault.

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