
If you are rejected from a nursing program, is it better to wait or to change your major?

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Moving away is out of the question. Say you have been in college for about five years. It's just not happening and you are growing old old old. What do you do, do you change your major or do you wait another eon to see IF they will even accept you next time?




  1. I would either change majors or try another college in the area.

  2. It depends on how badly you want it. In the meantime, do your pre-reqs and make sure you ace those - most nursing programs require at least a solid B+ average to allow you to continue.  

  3. I am the following opinion, the wait times, can last the entire life because with the old customs, everything is modernizes, then opt for a new reconstruçao so that they may one day give value to what we lost.

  4. Hmn well depends why you were rejected... If nurseing is something you really wanna do... keep going for your  dream... but if you think you may not have another chance at getting in try changeing.

  5. why did they reject you?

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