
If you are riding in a funereal procession?

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and there is the school bus going in the opposite direction that puts out its stop sign, what is the proper protocol?




  1. Everyone is suppose to stop.

  2. That's a good question.  I would assume that the law comes first for the safety of the children so the lead car must stop.  But that's my take on it.  I don't know if I speak the truth.

  3. ok...usually a police escort will be with the Procession and NO one should stop. THE BUS should wait to pop out the sign as a SIGN of respect on there part.

  4. That is a really interesting thought.  I was a school bus driver for 6 years (a long time ago), and I can only speak from the driver's point of view.  Personally, if I were driving a school bus, and I was meeting a funeral procession,  I would stop, pull my four-way flashers, and wait until the funeral procession passed before I pulled my stoplights to let any kids off the bus.  Any school bus driver who would not do the same is nothing short of inconsiderate and heartless.  It's absurd that any school bus driver would interrupt a funeral procession.  I can't even begin to fathom this moron "MLA" who answered this question and had kids running between cars.  That was about the most stupid thing he could possible have done.  Shows a complete and total lack of respect and complete disregard for the safety of the kids who were entrusted to him.  I hope the heck he isn't still driving a school bus.  If that didn't deserve a termination of employment, I don't know what does.   I'd sure not be willing to trust him with MY kids!!

  5. Based on the Laws in Washington in 1989

    Also try doing a search and in the search engine enter the words  "Motercade Rules & Laws (your state)"

    As a retired Traffic Officer and based on the laws here in Washington State, the Funeral Procession has the right of way.

    The reason why is that the escort officers need to pass the procession to get to the next intersection to control traffic. (Leap Froging)


    this includes funeral processions or ay other type of motorcade the traffic officers are usaly on motorcycles and need to be able to manuver.

    If that situation occured here in Washington I would have cited the school bus driver for interfering with a motorcade.

    Also prior to any motorcade is allowed to procede the orginizers need to obtain a permit and a safety meeting must be conducted to inform all participants of the safety rules and what to do in ceartain situations.

  6. VERY good question!!!

    Funerals are generally a courtesy

    Kids aren't gonna always look out for themselves.

    That's why school-buses have signs/lights in the 1st place.

    Without being rude in any way: The next time your in a funeral procession please ask the police escorts this question.

    (some states/towns REQUIRE police presence to ignore traffic devices while in a funeral motorcade. Otherwise, Technically all you will have is a $#!?LOAD of organized people collectively breaking traffic laws)

    PS. "FREIGHT_TRAIN" is very much derailed :(

  7. The school bus takes precedence. Stopping for the bus is a law required for the safety of the children. Stopping for a funeral procession is a sign of respect and not a law in most states.

  8. Wow, it's funny that you should ask that question!  A few years back, I had a part-time job driving a school bus.  I noticed a funeral procession coming down the street.  Unfortunately, I was at a regular stop (i.e. in front of the school) and the kids had to cross the street.  I put out my stop sign, but sadly, and tragically, the cars came coming and coming, and a few kids decided to play "dodge the car" to get across the street.  One little tyke got smashed by a limo, but thankfully, after several hours of cutting edge surgery, he lived.

  9. From my personal experience, the motorcycle police officer will keep the funeral procession moving and delay the school bus for the short time that is needed to keep it moving because this is what I have seen done.

  10. I think the cars that have gone past the bus do not have to stop, but it might be a good idea if they did, in case the cars behind do not know the way.

    If I was the school bus driver, I would wait until the funeral procession had gone all the way past before putting up the stop sign.

    Around where I live, school busses pick up kids before school starts, and drops them off after school ends.  Everyone knows approximately when that is.

    Funeral procession organizers should try to avoid that time frame, also rush hour traffic time.

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