
If you are right handed how do you do a 2 step approach in volleyball?

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I am right handed. is it ...RIGHT, LEFT




  1. If your attaching at the net, it's usually a three step approach- left right left. the first step is a bigger step to position yourself properly and the two following steps are much smaller. You should be taking off of both feet

  2. right step left step...smash! yes ur right

  3. you shouldn't do a two step approach. you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS do a 3 step approach. your first step should be left this step should be larger than the other two to get yourself lined up. your next two steps, right-left, should  be small and give you the power to get up to the ball. don't forget to use your arms. arms should be forward for the first step and back for the next two until you jump to hit.  

  4. do NOT listen to funkyapple. yes, the 3-step approach is the norm for hitting, but a 2-step approach can be VERY helpful to know how to do. on an off play, you're probably not going to get the best of sets. there's a very solid chance that the ball will be in front, back, or to the left/right of you. it will be easier to take a right step in the direction of the ball, and a smaller left step to jump. this still gives you power while giving you better control of where you contact the ball.

    the simple answer to your question: right (in the direction of the ball), then left. you still have to swing your arms, but time it so they are going up as you are jumping.

    hope this helps

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