
If you are so sure about global warming, should government do this?

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1. Outlaw all cars over 8 years old/getting less than 40 mpg

2. outlaw all private cars and motorcyles in major metro areas

3. build giant energy efficent mega apartment complexs, outlaw homes in cities and make everyone move there

4. adopt the chinese 1 child policy and give forced abortions, less people mean less greenhouse gases.

5. Prisons use valuable energy shouldn't we just execute all felons and then transfer the guards to police duties.

I have many more great ideas to combat global warming.

6. For God's sake, stop feeding the homeless and needy worldwide, think of the energy saving and carbon reduction if you are not shipping them losers food.


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  1. Every day (and every year) large swaths of jungle are bulldozed to make room for cattle ranches. Beef is a popular meat you might say. The problem is, cows are large animals and they (have flatulence) that produces a lot of methane. Sure, too many factories is one of the contributors to global warming, but cow flatulence is nearly as substantial. Of course the media won't talk about it, because cow farts are not something anyone wants to hear about.

    In New Zealand they proposed an "animal flatulence" tax, but it didn't go through.

  2. Mullah Odumbo, you must make sure our cows do not f*rt.

  3. no this is every bodys problem so do your part

  4. We must also limit breathing. Preferrably by those with larger lungs. Those that breathe more than normal should pay carbon tax.

    We must ban planting of new trees, since new trees emit CO2 non stop.

    Ban devorces. When a couple gets divorced, they live away from eachother, therefore creating 2x energy consumption. 2x more lightbulbs, 2x more refridgerator usage, 2x more tv usage, 2x more external home lighting, 2x the energy bill, 2x the cooling bill and so on.

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