
If you are standing on a train that is going 75 mph and you jump straight up, will you land in the same place?

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If you are standing on a train that is going 75 mph and you jump straight up, will you land in the same place?




  1. I would think yes.

  2. No, you will slow down when your feet leave the train surface due to aerodynamic drag, and land a small distance behind where you were on the train - how far back depends on how high you jump and how much wind is hitting you.

  3. YES...unless you're standing at the edge of the rear platform when you jump....

    are we bored today or me if you're blonde.

  4. No. Once you leave the ground, your body speed will no longer be going 75mph (it will be slightly less, depending upon time in the air), but the train will. So when you land, you will land slightly behind where you were.

  5. yes because you have the same speed of the trian

  6. I doubt it because the train is moving to fast so you might land on a different car

    good question though

  7. your question invites further inquiry,

    if you are in fact ON the train, and by that i mean on top of then i would think that you not land in the same place due to wind direction. however if you were in side the train then you would land in the same place on the train, but not geographically as the train would have moved forward.

  8. yes because you are going the same speed as the train!

  9. it depends if your inside the train you'll land in the same place. Its also possible to land in the same place outside the train, but since you said that you're going 75 then you'll most likely be pushed back by the trains draft and end up further back

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