
If you are still at level 1, does that mean you have low self esteem?

by  |  earlier

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You're one to talk. You're still on level 1 and you've been here since Sept 15, 2006!!




  1. Jeez.  I think I need to start a self esteem group for my contacts.  I've got you, Bottom Contributor, and Woman 2 that's already in therapy and on medication for the rejection she feels when her contacts don't pick her for best answer.  Who else needs to join our group?

  2. Hehe..maybe it means you have positive self-esteem and are out having a life, as opposed to sitting on Y/A trying to get to a higher level!

  3. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  4. I am doing my best! *sob sob* I am almost a level 3. So that just makes me pissed off!

  5. No....It means you are creative enough to ask a lot of questions.

    Not some dork who answers a few questions a day and rarely asks one.

  6. ROFLMAO! just means you have not been doing much on the site.

  7. yes. how can one have any esteem at all if they don't have enough points to buy some at the store. I love its fresh, lemony taste. Wait. thats Teem the soft drink.

    Um. oh. well, then yes. you should be embarrassed and hide under the rock that is your head. If your lucky, maybe other level 1s will hide under your head too. do i hear party?

  8. no it means you answers are dumb, so get better answers, read a book or something

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