
If you are taking an SSRI for anxiety, is it normal to make you feel WORSE before BETTER?

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I've started taking prozac again for severe anxiety and ocd. Been on it for almost 2 weeks. I feel more jittery, dizzy, confused, racing thoughts, and just like I need to jump out of my skin.

My doctor said I may feel worse before better. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it true that it may make your anxiety symptoms WORSE before BETTER? If I am this jittery, does it mean that it's starting to work into my body?

Should I keep taking it? Thank you.




  1. ^see pills dont help...they only make it worse...try herbal, natural ways

  2. As a mother of a son with OCD and anxiety, I will tell you that it is still early to really tell. My son was given zoloft for his OCD and Clanazapam wafers for his anxiety. Prozac may not  be the right medication for you however, if you continue to feel worse, call you doctor or mental health provider who prescribed you the medication as it may not be the right medication for you. In my opinion these meds should not make you feel worse however, I could be wrong. From experiences my son did feel this way but he was affraid to take the medicine. Are you sure this is not what you are feeling? anxiety about having to take this medication? It took him a while to calm down and relax with the medication. evalulate yourself and ask yourself if this is possible? Good Luck and I hope you feel better. I know it is very challenging as I have watched my son suffer with the same things.  

  3. Several years ago I was put on an SSRI for depression and if caused me to suffer some symptoms of mania. My doctor dismissed these and put me on another SSRI which again was ineffective for me. Some people who think they are depressed in actual fact have Cyclothymia or are bipolor.

    Perhaps give yourself some more time on the pills as they can take several weeks to take effect but if you become delusional or suicidal then contact your doctor immediately. Also if you have a trusted friend ask them to keep an eye on you and let you know if begin to act strangely as you don't always notice yourself.

    Good luck!

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