
If you are the first to solve this difficult riddle, I will personally vote your answer "best answer"!?

by  |  earlier

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You'll get not just two, but 12 count 'em 12 points! The riddle:

How can I communicate with Isabel Sanford?




  1. Weezie Board


  2. call her

  3. Move on up......

  4. with a  weegie board

  5. Weezie Board

  6. this answer gets the points.

    Or just "this answer".

  7. is a bell sandford no I don't think so I think they just paint over the top of them.

  8. tell me tell me tell me whats the answer

  9. by telephone

  10. With a Weezie Board!

  11. I don't get it. She's been dead for 4 years. Maybe get a Ouija board or go to Forest Lawn Cemetery. Or find another person named Isabel Sanford who is still alive and talk to her? By dying and "Movin' on up"?

  12. by dreaming

  13. I was thinking Ouija board

  14. She's dead.  You'll have to go to her grave site in Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills in Los Angelos.

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