
If you are trying out for a Midget A goalie position, which style of play is better?

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If i am trying out for a Midget A goalie position, does it look better to play butterfly or play hybrid?




  1. no worries. if you dont know that answer, you dont belong on the ice!

  2. The stopping the puck style works best.

    Both styles are fine, coaches might prefer the butterfly a tad more but what matters more is which you're best at.

  3. The knew style is butterfly, but i love watching hybrid goalies.  because its not the same thing every time, and i think that it helps your rebound control, and making that second save off the rebound.  but i think any goalie coach will turn you into a butterfly goalie

  4. A controlled stance that stops the puck. Butterfly is the norm but what's the point if you can't react to the rebound as it goes past you?

  5. honestly its whatever you can do to stop the puck. coaches, especially a midget A coach isn't gonna be like that goalie isnt playing he doesnt play a butterfly style. it's not like its the NHL. just stop the puck, all  you gotta do

  6. I agree, whatever style gets you noticed for not letting the puck into the net.

    As a person who plays goalie exclusively, I have noticed that when people try to stick exclusively to a "style" that they aren't physically built for or untrained to use, bad things happen.

    stick with what keeps others from scoring... if you're labeled a "hybrid" type like myself, no worries, just do whatever you can to keep your team in the win column.

  7. Butterfly is the most effective if you have solid positioning and quickness.

  8. Honestly as a Midget it is a bit late to worry about style. But as a "Ex-member" of the goaltenders union myself I feel Hybrid is the way to go. You see if you have your angles, positions, and rebounds down it doesn't matter. In most cases if you go down on the first shot you where out of position Butterflies should be used for screens, rebounds or deflections.  A half butter fly is a key save that can easily be reacted from if anything changes.

    Goal tending is a game of patience. He who moves first loses, so why would you drop to your knees and give up that top of the net.

    The best saves are the ones that the keeper looks like he did nothing for, the ones that hit him in the logo, the stick saves to the corners. Yes pad stacks and glove save splits look fantastic, but getting ripped out of your pads because you dropped to soon looks like c**p.

    The #1 Goalie in the league is a Hybrid stand up goalie and he has been in the NHL since 1992 something tells me Martin Brodeur is doing something right.

  9. Whatever style keeps the puck from going in.

  10. First off,when you are at tryouts, it looks best when you stop the puck. Secondly,When you are playing, you shouldn't be thinking about how your going to stop the puck what you need to do to stop the puck...if you have to think about every move you make if its the right one for the style you want you are wasting valuable reaction time! When i used to play i was never able to play the butterfly let alone go into it until i was able to finally get myself new pair of square edged pads.  I was a stand up goalie and relied on my stick for most of my on ice saves.  With the new pads now its easy to do the butterfly and cover the bottom half of the net, second you lay your pad down its square.  When you play, best advice is read the play, and react to the best of your abilities and don't worry about the way you look, worry about stopping the puck...

  11. Butterfly is where it's at.  Pretty much any professional goalie now uses the butterfly.  It's all about being positionally sound and using you legs to cover the bottom of the net.  As long as you are square to the shooter and use the butterfly while cutting off the angle you should do well.

  12. I hate to sound ignorant or demeaing in anyway but I played at that level and even higher, to tell you the truth whichever way you stop the puck. Goalie is a very interesting position because even with all the training and refinement that one could do, it just takes will and determination to stand in front of the shot and be able to have no fear when you stop it. The best goalies are the one's who do that regardless of their style, they stop the biscuit from crossing the line, you do that coaches won't care if you like to play naked (I advise against it though).

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