
If you are under 18 are you allowed to buy an R rated movie without an 18+ person?

by  |  earlier

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I am just curious. Thanks. =]




  1. It depends on the store

    Walmart won't let you for sure

    but other stores like FYE and Big Lots don't really care unless its X rated.

  2. It depends on the store's policy. I know everytime I buy a rated R or Unrated movie at Wal-Mart or Target I get IDed. I've only been asked for ID once or twice at Best Buy. When I worked at Borders we asked for ID and same thing at Hollywood video.

  3. Some movies you have to be 17 and some you have to be 18.  If the video store is like Wal Mart.  If you want to by a movie at Wal Mart, and it has an age restriction on it, the register will beep to let the cashier know to check for ID.  Like it does when someone buys cigarettes.

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