
If you are under 21 is it legal to drive a car if there is enclosed alcohol in it?

by Guest64468  |  earlier

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I was just wondering if you are under 21 and say there is a case of beer in your car not touched at all if that is illegal in the state of ohio, or if you know if its legal in whatever state you live in?




  1. Generally whoever is driving is in possession of whatever is in the car.  So, if you're a minor and there is alcohol anywhere in the car, you are responsible for it.

    Seeing how someone over 21 bought it, they should be in the car.  As long as everyone is sober, you should be able to work your way out of a citation by playing dumb and offering to let someone over 21 drive the rest of the way.  Or you could just do it the right way and when there's alcohol let someone over 21 drive the car.  It would help not to take your older friend who can't drive to buy for you ;)

  2. I know in Massachusetts it is illegal, even if it is an unopened case in the trunk and someone over 21 is with you.

  3. No it is not legal to drive a car w/ alcohol in it if you are under the age of 21.  In order to drive the car the alcohol needs to be unopened in the trunk(applies even if you are 21 in most states) and have a passenger who is 21 or older.

  4. you must have someone in the car that is 21 years or older.. because how else would you be able to get the  alcohol.

    but to just have less problems.. just put the alcohol in a spot where it is not visible

  5. i dont know if it is legal up here or not, but my bf buys beer (he's 25, i'm 19) occasionally and i drive us back home.  i don't think that it's a problem.  you could get a minor in possesion citation, if there isn't anyone over 21 in your car.  obviously someone over 21 had to buy it, unless *someone* had a fake ID, so where is that person, and why did they leave theri booze with you?  i would take it out of the car.  it's no good warm anyway!

  6. Yes. Anyone can drive with unopened alcohol in the car. Asuming there is a person over 21 in the car with you.

  7. Its illegal in Virginia to be driving and having alcohol in the vehicle under 21. Its still underage possession of alcohol.

  8. idk....not a good idea though...why would you have it in your car anyway?

  9. If it's visible in the car and you get pulled over, you'll get put thru the tests and possibly a citation for possession of alcohol underage.

    Put it the trunk so it can't be seen, don't get pulled over, and play stupid if you do.  (Also being stone cold sober will help.)

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