
If you are vegetarian for social reasons can you date and or marry a non vegetarian?

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I mean i know you can legally. I am asking personally if you could




  1. I married someone that eats meat, however we don't cook it at our house.  So if he wants to eat it we just go out to eat.  He is understanding so it is no big deal.  His family on the other hand has so many problems with us being vegetarian.

  2. I am not sure exactly what you mean by "social reasons".

    My personal view - to limit relationships on such a point would be narrow minded.  My family is not vegetarian - most of my friends are not vegetarian.  For that matter - the majority of people around where I live are not vegetarian.

    To each their own - but not something that I would ever do.  Just too narrow minded for me.

  3. No! And catholics can't marry Jews, whites can't marry blacks, don't even get me started on anyone marring Asians. If you run in a social circle that judges what you or your spouse eat, you might want to reevaluate your circle.

  4. Only "vegansexuals" would have such a strict diet and a strict love life.   Having someone who shares the shame passion as you do can bring more to the relationship, but there are vegetarians and vegans who date members of the omnivore community. Being a vegetarian that dates mostly meat eaters, I feel that you love(like) whoever you love, and if things like smoking, meat or other habits different from your own can stop you  from enjoying the other person's company then you weren't meant to be with that person anyways.

  5. For the most part I would avoid such relationships but at the same time cupid has a strange sense of humor. If it was true love sure why not, or of course I would.

    But then again most relationships that work are just that, work in which both people work with what they have to make a functional relationship.

    It of course helps to have similar values. The more you care about a particular issue the easier or hardier it will be for you to identify and ultimately get along with another.

    In short it is a possibility but less of a strong probability.

  6. It depends on the vegetarian. My husband is a vegetarian and I am not. He doesnt have a problem with people who eat meat, so it never caused any problems between the two of us. However, some vegetarians DO have a major problem with people who eat meat. I honestly can't imagine those people marrying someone who is not a vegetarian. How can you marry someone who you feel is commiting some disgusting, immoral, selfish act? So, I would think that it would just depend on how that person views people who eat meat.

  7. well really i think this is a stupid question no offense but you can't really control who u fall in love with, if the person u love is a meat eater then by all means let them eat meat just compromise with with everyone. either way marry whoever u feel like it .

  8. I wasn't a vegetarian when my girlfriend and I fell in love. Every day life was pretty easy but it was hard for my girlfriend on a deeper level knowing I was eating meat. With the help of my girlfriend and lots of eye opening research I became vegetarian eventually.

    So I say it's fine to be with someone who has a different belief. But there will be some hills to climb.

  9. well YA! Plenty of people would only odd people wouldnt if they really cared for them. no offense to anybody.

  10. I've never dated a veg*n and I've been one for almost as long as I've been dating.  I married (and divorced) a meat eater and I live with one currently.  Both have been enormously respectful of my choices and I have, in turn, been respectful of theirs.  My current boyfriend decided on his own to go vegetarian at home; I never once asked him not to bring meat into the house, but I sure do appreciate his consideration.  All things being equal, I'd choose to be with someone whose values mirrored my own, but I've met no more than a handful of male veg*ns in my years.

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