
If you are visiting another country should you be immune from their laws?

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If you are visiting another country should you be immune from their laws?




  1. No, you should not be immune from that country's laws unless of course you're in the UK... where it seems..anything goes these days !!

  2. Yes you are...but they have this bad habit of putting foreigners in jail for 8 or 10 years before they give them a hearing. The good part is you will meet a lot of immune people in jail.

  3. No-rules are rules and everyone should abide by them. No one is above the law unless you are someone with connections in high places. Diplomatic Immunity works for some people. But common man should go by the rules especially when traveling. Don't you want to enjoy your holiday? Or you prefer the prison cell?

  4. Jack you know the expression when in Rome do as the Romans.

  5. remember, Michael Fay?! He was the teenager that caused vandallism in Singapore and got caned 4 times. As an American if you break the law in another country. Your going to pay for it.

  6. No, you should respect & abide by them.

  7. No, unless you're a diplomat.  As long as you're in another country that is not your own you play by their rules.

  8. Yeah if you MURDER someone in the USA and you are from CANADA you should go FREE!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??????

  9. No.  When you're visiting another country you have to abide by their laws.

  10. Now I know you know better than that....if I visit the States or aby where else I instantly come under theri laws and jurisdiction. What is liberal where you are may be a serious offense elsewhere so......watchout.! I'd check it out on the net first if I was in doubt.To be forewarned is to be the way Paris69 has a good point.! I will add to that, if your rich or royal, you can get away with just about anything as we see with those silly princes antics.......however if the latter becomes victims of crime, we see a massive police and government reaction and response, as compared to some poor homeless slob or ordinary Citizen being attcked and beaten senseless or killed by say a bunch of hoody punks who seem to contaminate the uk these days, then we see a token response if that.! like I say, depends who you are status wise.!!! P.S. by the way improofo...don't take canucks too seriously.....they wouldn't have an economy but for the US, but they'll never admit it and they really believe righteously that they are the smartest bears in the North. Ehhhhhhhh.....!!! (LMAO)

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